Happy Fridays! - Things that I love...

I am very aware and vocal about things I don't like or I absolutely hate. I think about them often, I talk about them often and I get bothered by them/it often. 

But now I am consciously trying to shift my energy from things I hate to things I love to make my life a little light & better. 

So here's a list of random things that I love! <3

Purple! <3

  1. I love my brother.
  2. I love my man.
  3. I love sleeping.
  4. I love pizza. 
  5. I love chocolates/desserts.
  6. I love bread.
  7. I love long drives.
  8. I love books.
  9. I love coconut.
  10. I love listening to stories. 
  11. I love observing people.
  12. I love Before Sunrise movie. (Love the trilogy but LOVE Sunrise)
  13. I love thinking about some places that exist only in my dreams.
  14. I love solving mysteries/puzzles.
  15. I love switching off from the world at regular intervals.
  16. I love doing nothing at times.
  17. I love having a good time with my loved ones. 
  18. I love lush greenery.
  19. I love purple. 
  20. I love Hip Hip Hurray and FRIENDS TV series.
 Have a great weekend! :)


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