Our Inner Child

I saw her standing at the corner
She was crying and looked scared
I walked up to her and knelt down
Hey darling what’s wrong I asked
I am lost, she cried
I asked around if anyone knew her
No one offered to help
So I offered her my hand and said ‘I am with you, don’t you worry'
I’ll wait until you are fine.
She looked with her doubtful puppy eyes
But quickly she relaxed and held my hand
I cleaned her up and made her sit on my lap
Stroked her head and made her talk

Image Source: Inspirably.com

That little girl was my heart, my soul, my inner child
She gets scared from time to time
Feels lost from time to time
Then I talk to her, hold her hand, stroke her head and tell her everything will be fine
I assure her that we’ll find our way out of the mess together
I tell her a story and keep her engaged
I wipe her tears and calm her nerves

I tell her we’ll find our home together, just smile my little girl :)


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