Book Review - Jobless Clueless Reckless by Revathi Suresh

Book Review - Jobless Clueless Reckless by Revathi Suresh
Published - 2013, Duckbill
Rating- 3/5

The review was originally posted on IndiaBookStore on 8th April, 2014

Excerpt from my review- 

For me, the warning bells started to ring when I heard Jobless Clueless Reckless’s author is a first time writer out with her first book. “Why?” you may ask. Well, blame the last few books that I read. I wanted to be sure what I am getting into. Was it going to be another book about IIT, IIM, MBA etc etc, which seems to be norm these days. As a result, probably for the first time, I researched about the writer first before reading the book. But my apprehensions flew away after I read few of Revathi Suresh’s blogs . In one of her blogs Revathi says, “I figured I didn’t have the magic formula. I didn’t have an IT background. Nor had I ever been part of any other kind of set up that allowed me to lean heavily on my job or my life for inspiration. Depressing. Life sucked because it was good.” Her above lines reassured me that Jobless Clueless Reckless was going to be a different experience. It indeed was!

Read my full review of Jobless Clueless Reckless by Revathi Suresh here on IndiaBookStore.


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