5 books that I have loved so far..
Reading is an escape. Reading is pure
bliss. It is one of the rarest hobbies, which has something for just about everyone!
As Charles W Elliot rightly said, “Books are the quietest and most constant of
friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most
patient of teachers.”
So, below are the five books that I have enjoyed so far..
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
The Fountainhead has equal number of
readers who passionately love and hate it. I was surprised to find quite
a few in-depth negative reviews of the book. But I believe the book won’t
appeal to everyone because Rand has not taken a middle ground. She focuses on
extremes – black and white - instead of talking about grey shades. She has taken
a stand and sticks to the philosophy that she believes in rather than trying to
please everyone and taking a safer route. There are flaws and then there
amazing revelations and insights. I chose to focus on the later. Maybe that’s
why I loved the book. Read my full review here
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

Room by Emma Donoghue
Room is a heartbreaking (without being soppy) survival story of a mother (Ma) and son (Jack), trapped in an eleven feet by eleven feet room. Old Nick abducts and keeps Ma captive. In her confinement she gives birth to Jack and which is why for the five year old, the 11 by 11 Room is his reality, his REAL world. Jack, (unaware of any existing thing/being out of the Room), is the narrator of the book, and you would see his life from his eyes. His account will surely surprise & amuse you, besides making you feel sorry for him. I wish I could reveal more about the story but it would take away the fun of reading it yourself. All I can say that it is very smartly written and Emma Donoghue’s unique approach towards storytelling, eye-for-detail and artistic mindset will enthrall you.
The Outsider By Albert Camus

It is a story about a man, Meursault. A man who is brutally honest in every possible way - not just in his words but also in his feelings. One who refuses to pretend or behave the way society thinks it is the 'right' way. Later when he commits a murder and goes to trial, we get to see how the opinions of the attorney, jury and all present in the court is colored because his behavior baffles them and they can't relate to him. Its a story about a man who is tried, sentenced and punished not just for his crime (murder) but for his attitude towards life in general.
Tell Me Your Dreams by Sidney Sheldon
According to me this is the best book
written by Sidney Sheldon. His books are simple, easy-to read. In short, it is
meant for the masses, teenagers and college going crowd. I read Tell me your
dreams during my early teens and thoroughly enjoyed it.
With serial killings in the background, the book explores the subject of Multiple Personality Disorder. It is this book that introduced me to the concept of MPD and got me interested. It is gripping, thrilling and entertaining. Read it before you grow too big to enjoy these books and become a literary snob. :D
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